Thomas Schick: Operator algebras and topology: script for the 2001 Trieste summer school on high dimensional manifold theory

The three lectures on operator algebras and topology introduce a new set of tools to high dimensional manifold theory, namely techniques coming from the theory of operator algebras. These are extensively studies in their own right. We will focus on the basic definitions and properties, and on their relevance to the geometry and topology of manifolds. An central pillar of work in the theory of $C^*$-algebras is the Baum-Connes conjecture. This is an isomorphism conjecture, as discussed in the talks of L\"uck, but with a certain special flavor. Nevertheless, it implies the Novikov conjecture. In the first talk, the Baum-Connes conjecture will be explained and put into our context. One application of the Baum-Connes conjecture is to the positive scalar curvature question. This will be discussed by Stephan Stolz. It implies the so called ``stable Gromov-Lawson-Rosenberg conjecture''. The unstable version of this conjecture said that, given a closed spin manifolds $M$, a certain obstruction, living in a certain (topological) $K$-theory group, vanishes if and only $M$ admits a Riemannian metric with positive scalar curvature. It turns out that this is wrong, and counterexamples will be presented in the second talk. The third talk introduces another set of invariants, also using operator algebra techniques, namely $L^2$-cohomology, $L^2$-Betti numbers and other $L^2$-invariants. These invariants, their basic properties, and the central questions about them, are introduced in the third talk. This subject is more or less independent from the other talks of the school. \textbf{Important notice}: This notes are in a preliminary form. They haven't gone through proofreading as thorough as the author would like it to be. It is certain that they will contain many misprints and typos. Moreover, the presentation at many places certainly can be improved. They are made public at this stage, nevertheless, since I feel that they might be useful at least for some participants of the school. To improve the final version, which is going to appear in the notes of the school, I would appreciate any notes and comments, either in person at the school, or via email

Thomas Schick (