Young Topologists Bedlewo 2006

   "Young Topologists and new topology", August 28-September 2, 2006
   Banach Mathematical Center and Conference Center, Bedlewo, Poland

This is the first meeting Young topologists/Junge Topologen organized jointly for and with German and Polish topologists. The main goal is, to bring young topologists (from pre-doctoral to post-doctoral level) together, to show them who else is working in the area, and which subjects are treated. The meeting will also give the opportunity to present his own work, or problem, in front of an audience from other universities. The official conference language is English.



The main part of the program will be devoted to contributions of the young scientists; they will present their own work, or the questions they are just looking at. Prof. Dr. Dieter Kotschick, München agreed to act as our keynote speaker. He will give a series of talks on "Diffeomorphism groups as discrete groups".

How to get to Bedlewo

Participants include:


Anyone who wishes to participate should register Accomodation (including all meals) will be provided by the Mathematical Reseach and conference center, Bedlewo, and will cost about 30 Euros per night. Please contact us in case you urgently need financial assistance. Because our funds are at the moment very limited, we encourage everyone to apply for local resources first.

Topology (and geometry) groups in Germany and beyond

Topology (and geometry) groups in Poland and beyond

Graduiertenkolleg Gruppen und Geometrie
Mathematisches Institut

Graduiertenkolleg 1150 Homotopy and Cohomology Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik Bonn

Thomas Schick
Last modified: Fri Mar 24 09:41:33 CET 2006