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Madeleine Jotz Lean's teaching


In the Winter term 2020/21 I teach ``Analytische Geometrie und Lineare Algebra 1''. All material and information on this course is available on StudIP. All lectures take place online, as flipped classes.

My office hours are by appointment only, via BigBlueButton.

PhD students:

Stefano Ronchi (November 2020 -- ): Van Est integration of Lie algebroids.

Ilias Ermeidis (October 2020 -- ): Deformations of ideals in Lie algebroids.

Rosa Marchesini (September 2020 -- ): Secondary characteristic classes of ideals in Lie algebroids.

David Kern (October 2019 -- ): Ideals and Poisson manifolds.

Theocharis Papantonis (April 2018 -- Spring 2021): Representations up to homotopy of Lie n-algebroids.

Former PhD students:

Malte Heuer (July 2015 - August 2019): Multiple vector bundles and linear generalised complex structures

Master projects:

The double holonomy groupoid of a multiplicative foliation

Generalised complex structures on principal bundles

Z-graded frame bundles and connections up to homotopy

Various Aspects of Noether's theorem (Completed October 2020)

Lie algebroids over the circle (Completed September 2019)

Bachelor theses, MsC projects, Summer projects that I supervise or have supervised:

Principal bundles and infinitesimal ideal systems (Bachelor thesis)

The Gauss-Bonnet theorem (Bachelor thesis)

On the paper ``R^{2n} is a universal symplectic manifold for reduction'' by Mark J.~Gotay and Gijs M.~Tuynman (Bachelor thesis)

Algebraic vs analytic integration of Lie algebras (Bachelor thesis)

Characteristic classes and Lie algebroid representations (Bachelor thesis)

Dorfman connections and principal bundles (Bachelor thesis)

Reduktion von Poisson-Mannigfaltigkeiten vs Marsden-Weinstein Reduktion. (Bachelor thesis)

N-manifolds and infinitesimal ideal systems. (Bachelor thesis)

Poisson manifolds and infinitesimal ideal systems. (Bachelor thesis)

Matrix Lie groups and Poisson geometry. (Bachelor thesis)

Hyperbolic geometry and hyperbolic crochet. (Summer project, Sheffield)

Projective geometry. (MsC project, Sheffield)

Short videos on geometry:

Here and here you can find my Youtube videos on curvature of curves and surfaces, and on hyperbolic geometry. These videos were made in collaboration with Fionntan Roukema in the framework of the Crochet Hyperbolic Forest exhibition at the Festival of the Mind in 2016.
Last modified: Thu Oct 1 09:50:03 BST 2020